Tell us if you've used this feature before or if you're planning to now, via the comments, and don't miss out the rest of our useful How To section either. You'll be given an alternative route which includes a small detour to find nearby places that can be used to spot a restaurant on your way home, look for an ATM while you're on your way to the mall, or find a florist on your way to a friend's house. On your mobile, tap on it to see a description, and tap the white Location icon to add that to the route.

That's a pretty basic tip though, but Google Maps has another feature that can be a lot more useful - finding things that are on your route. That's not the only thing you can do with the app though - for example, you could type in "restaurants" to see a view of all the restaurants in the area of the map you're looking at. The only thing you have to do it yourself is download SAI Flexi Sign Making full software cracked, run it and intall the software.Google Maps is the go-to app for most of us when we're looking for directions, and the app can also be useful for things such as calling a cab.
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